Ignite FB Tracking PixelAnother Property Sold - 1200 Tanglewood Road, Prescott, AZ 86303 - Thomesa Lydon
Thomesa Lydon, RE/MAX EXCALIBURPhone: (480) 375-1974
Email: [email protected]

Another Property Sold - 1200 Tanglewood Road, Prescott, AZ 86303

by Thomesa Lydon 08/03/2023

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About the Author

Thomesa Lydon

Centered in our company’s mantra and culture of "Youthful minds over aging Matters" we provide heartfelt, one-stop senior relocation planning, move management and Realtor services (listing, selling and purchasing residential property).

Additionally, we work to help bring generations together and expand social awareness through music, comedy, the creative arts and FUN! with our annual SWING YOUNG! live entertainment event.